Songs for Ezekiel

Once there was a little boy named Ezekiel.

Before Ezekiel was born, his parents planted a tree deep in the big forest next to town to celebrate their marriage.

As Ezekiel grew so did the tree.

And every year Ezekiel’s parents took him to see the tree deep in the big forest.

When Ezekiel’s family took him to see the tree, they always had picnics.

And the tree gave them shade.

Some years when Ezekiel’s parents took him to see the tree, it rained.

And the tree gave them shelter.

Other years when Ezekiel’s parents took him to see the tree, it was cold.

And the tree shed its leaves to give them sun.

One year, right before Ezekiel was leaving for college, Ezekiel’s parents took him to see the tree deep in the big forest and Ezekiel asked his parents, “why do you like this tree?”

And Ezekiel’s parents said, “Because it’s grown with our family and we have many great memories here.”

Then Ezekiel’s parents asked, “Why do you like this tree, Ezekiel?”

And Ezekiel said, “Because it’s given us shade when it’s warm. And it’s given us shelter when it stormed. And it’s given us sun when it’s cold.”

“But most of all,” said Ezekiel, “because it’s given us songs.”

Surprised, Ezekiel’s parents asked, “Songs?”

“Yes”, said Ezekiel, “it always gives us songs.”

“What songs are those, Ezekiel,” asked his parents?

And so Ezekiel began:

“The song of the blue Jays.”

“And the song of the bees.”

“The song of the breeze blowing through leaves.”

“The song of the squirrels.”

“And the song of the opossum.”

“The song of flowers as the buds start to blossom.”

“The song of cicadas, hissing and buzzing.”

“And the song of the Cardinal, soft, sweet, and lovely.”

“The song of the bats, with their high-pitched squeak.”

“And the song of the owls, low toned and deep.”

“And many other songs, more than I can tell.”

“Songs as loud as thunder.”

“And songs as silent as snails.”

“All of these songs and many more too.”

“It’s the Chorus of the Forest.”

“And with each visit, a symphony, new.”

As if hearing the sounds of the forest for the first time, Ezekiel’s parents stood silent for a moment before saying, “We’ve never before heard the songs of the forest, but surely as the sun rises, we’ll never miss the symphony again.”

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